Industrial lenses are important workpieces in machine vision inspection, and there are various categories on the market, and line scan industrial lenses are one of them.
Line scan industrial lenses are a kind of lenses specialized in industrial inspection and image processing, commonly used for high-speed, high-precision image acquisition and analysis on production lines.Below are some application cases of line-scan industrial lenses:
1. Print Inspection: Line Scan industrial lens can be used to detect the print quality of printed materials, to determine the font color, font clarity, neatness, etc..
2. Steel Plate Surface Inspection: It can be used to inspect the surface of steel plates to identify the presence of defects such as pits and cracks.
3. Food inspection: Line Scan industrial lenses can be used to detect the quality and safety of food products, such as foreign objects, defects, and so on.
4. Tire surface inspection: Can be used to inspect the surface quality of tires and quickly identify wear, scratches and other cosmetic defects.
5. Electronic component inspection: Line scan industrial lenses can be used to inspect the quality and integrity of electronic components, such as weld joints, connecting wires, and so on.
6. Lithium battery appearance detection: Line Scan industrial lens can be used to detect the appearance of lithium batteries whether there is expansion, bubbles, cracks and other defects, to ensure the integrity of the appearance of lithium batteries.
These cases are only a part of the line scan industrial lens applications, line scan lenses can also be used in many other industries and fields, such as automotive manufacturing, medical equipment, 3C component inspection, plastic parts inspection and so on.
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