As a basic component in electronic circuits, the quality of resistors directly affects the stability and safety of circuits. Appearance inspection is a preliminary and critical step in resistor quality testing, which can detect potential quality problems in time.
Testing Requirements:
① Appearance Integrity: The surface of the resistor should be free of scratches, damages or signs of burning.
② Color ring clarity: the resistor's color ring should be clearly visible, no wear and tear or fall off.
③ Color ring uniformity: The spacing of the color rings should be uniform, without misalignment or overlap.
Industrial Lens: Pumice's ultra-high resolution industrial lens five-million lens provides fine image detail, ensuring that any minor imperfections on the resistor surface can be captured.
Color Industrial Camera: True color reproduction of the resistor's color ring color for subsequent image analysis, fast image acquisition and processing capabilities to adapt to the beat of automated production lines.
Ring Light Source: Provides 360 degrees of uniform illumination, eliminating shadows, ensuring that every detail of the resistor surface can be clearly observed, adjustable brightness of the light source to adapt to the needs of different colors and materials of the resistor inspection.
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