Vision Inspection Lens Applications




Visual inspection lenses are categorized according to different categories: standard lenses, wide-angle lenses, telephoto lenses, macro lenses, telecentric lenses, etc., and their fields of application are also different. The following is a summary of several common lens types and their application areas in vision inspection:



Standard Lenses



Application: The most basic type of lens in machine vision, suitable for inspection and processing of images.

Industry application: Due to its high imaging quality and affordable price, the standard lens is widely used in several industries, including but not limited to electronics, flat panel display, automotive, battery, printing and other fields.



Wide angle camera shot


Application features: able to widen the field of view and capture more information, but may produce distortion or distortion.

Industry applications: Suitable for applications that require the detection of large areas or close objects, such as security monitoring, unmanned vehicles, face recognition and other scenarios.



Telephoto Lenses


Application features: mainly used for shooting distant objects, the imaging is clear but the distortion will increase and the imaging area becomes smaller.

Industry application: Suitable for long-distance scene processing, such as urban traffic monitoring, satellite image capture.



Macro Lens


Application features: can zoom in on small objects at close range and maintain high definition.

Industry application: Commonly used in industrial production line parts inspection and detection of tiny electronic devices, pinhole and other details, for the fastener industry is particularly important for the detection of small defects.



Telecentric Lens



Application features: designed to correct the parallax of traditional lenses, ensuring that the inspection target has the same magnification within a certain range and improving the measurement accuracy.

Industry applications: Widely used in high-precision measurement occasions, such as product size inspection and defect detection in the fastener industry.



Fixed Focus Lens


Application features: fixed focal length lens, suitable for precise imaging of targets within a specific distance range.

Industry applications: It is used in industrial automation, robot vision, 3C electronics industry and other fields, especially in the need for stable imaging quality and accuracy.



Different types of vision inspection lenses are widely used in many industries such as industrial automation, security monitoring, traffic management, electronics manufacturing and so on. Choosing the right type of lens according to specific application scenarios and needs can improve the accuracy and efficiency of inspection.

Product recommendation



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