FPS of industrial cameras is the meaning of frame rate, i.e., the number of frames displayed per unit of time, which is used to indicate how many images can be captured by the camera per second. For surface array cameras, FPS is an important indicator of the frequency of image acquisition, such as 30FPS means that the camera can capture up to 30 frames in 1 second.
The higher the frame rate, the more efficiently the camera can test and the faster it can inspect products. However, in general, the larger the resolution of the camera, the lower the frame rate, because factors such as acquisition speed, data conversion speed, and data transmission speed will limit the maximum frame rate of the camera.
When selecting an industrial camera, in addition to the frame rate, other parameters need to be considered, such as resolution, pixel depth, pixel size, spectral response characteristics, exposure time, output interface, sensor type, sensor size, camera lens interface, and vision platform. Together, these parameters determine the performance and application range of the camera.
Therefore, understanding the FPS of industrial cameras and other related parameters is important for the correct selection and use of industrial cameras.
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